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Sports Performance


“Prepare with Care, Perform Your Best” click here for more information

Performance, at any level, depends on how you take care of your body BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER your event or activity. In order to have an experience that leaves you exhilarated, energized, and successful, here are some important steps to consider:

  • Stretch before your event or activity
  • Hydrate well with water daily, especially several hours before activity
  • Take time to still the brain by breathing deeply and relaxing prior to event or activity
  • Use deep breathing exercises on a daily basis to increase oxygen levels for activity
  • Eat a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables with quality, low fat protein on a regular basis; eat complex carbohydrates 11/2 hours before event or activity
  • Consider using the following nutritional supplements specifically
    formulated for exercise and sporting events:

Why not use products that Olympians successfully use?

My recommendations:

The Shaklee Pure Performance Team:


For more information on the recommended products, go to my Blog

Be sure to take advantage of my free nutrition assessment,
in just 15 minutes together we determine what is best for you right now.