3 Must Do's for Healthy Living Start Your Journey Now!

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Wellbeing Everyday



  • waking up with lots of energy, ready for the day!
  • your children, rather than home sick, staying healthy and in school!
  • dealing with stress in a more relaxed, balanced attitude!

All of this and more is possible!
I have done it!

Working together we identify programs for you to create Optimal Health & Wellbeing in your life from basics to targeted concerns.

Have you taken advantage of the free nutrition assessment? In just 15 minutes together we determine what is best for you right now.

Basics for Great Health
Great health translates into energy, focus, and joyful living, begins with building healthy cells. Cell quality is determined by the quality of the nutrients that create them as well as our body’s ability to absorb and utilize those nutrients.

Cleanse first to create healthy cells
First clean up your act by getting out the debris in your digestive tract and your liver to begin to heal your system.

I recommend choosing one of the following to start:

After Cleansing
In a world where of GMOs and “chemicalized” foods our available choices are not always the best. Most medical doctors now realize that we need, at a minimum, a complete multi-vitamin and mineral combination to make sure we have the minimum needed nutrients because food alone no longer provides everything we need.

I recommend at a minimum:

  • A complete, quality multi-vitamin and mineral supplement.
  • A quality protein in addition, especially for breakfast. For me, I love eggs or a protein smoothie with an organic, high quality powder which has guaranteed quality ingredients

My choices:

A Good Place to Start

  • Shaklee Vita Lea multi-vitamin/mineral – guaranteed quality, purity and completeness
  • Shaklee Energizing Soy – non-GMO, water processed and complete protein

A Better Program

  • Shaklee Vita Lea
  • Shaklee Life Plan Shakes – non-GMO soy or non-soy choices – meal replacements with additional Omega 3’s and pre & probiotics.

The Next Level

  •  Shaklee Vitalizer Strips – 80 nutrients, including Vita Lea, probiotics, extra B’s, C’s & antioxidants with special delivery systems to last all day
  • Shaklee Life Plan Shakes

Optimal Health

  • Life Plan Program
  • Shaklee Life Plan Strips – Vita Lea, extra B’s, C’s and Omega 3’s plus Vivix- grapeseed extract and more that are powerful antioxidants
  • Shaklee Life Plan Shakes


Be sure to take advantage of my free nutrition assessment, in just 15 minutes together we determine what is best for you right now.

Family Health


  • Everyone waking up with lots of energy, ready for their day!
  • your children, rather than home sick, staying healthy and in school!
  • dealing with day-to-day stress with a more relaxed, balanced attitude!

All of this and more is possible!
I have done it!

No one likes to see our children or ourselves sick, tired, stressed or overweight.

I began this journey feeling all of those, plus had an ADHD child. I needed natural ideas to keep him off drugs and new ways to get a handle on my own health. Through research and training I found answers, many of which are simple.

Children’s Health
Every child needs the best possible start to every day. Besides filling a home with love, tempered with common sense discipline, what goes into their mouths is critical. Start great choices early so children don’t get used to the sugary, gummy food & supplement choices normally made.

Here are my recommendations:

    • Incredivites – a complete, high quality multi vitamin/mineral supplement to cover minimum needs.
    • Mighty Smart – Omega 3 with 100% daily DHA for children – Aids in brain development and is great for eyes, as well.
    • Meal Shakes or Energizing Soy – High quality, safe, non-GMO protein powders – to set their day with level blood sugar and help them focus and pay attention in school.
    • “Medicine Cabinet” nutrients – treat the beginning of illness naturally or deal with special needs – keep these on hand to stop or minimize unwanted ills. (For more information see Immune Building)
      • Chewable Vita C
      • Defend & Resist – chew, suck, swallow or make into tea – Echinacea, Larch tree, Elderberry & Zinc
      • Vitalized Immunity – a fizzy tablet
      • Limit the sugar and breads so kids don’t get addicted to sweets.
      • Be sure they get outside and do some type of physical activity – starting early breeds good habits.

Have you taken advantage of the free nutrition assessment? After completing the assessment in just 15 minutes together we determine what you can do to get to the real cause and find natural solutions.

Women’s Health
We are complicated creatures and need more balancing than our male counterparts! Essential additions for women, beyond the health basics, include help for difficult menstrual cycles and peri-menopause, as well as pregnancy. I also believe women have more stressful lives (I always felt it was a 24/7 job with family and work) which definitely effects our hormonal balance.

My recommendations:

• Osteomatrix – calcium, magnesium and more to relieve cramps
Irritability and B-Complex

• Menopause Balancing Complex
• Vita E

• B-Complex
• Stress Relief Complex

To learn how to best use these programs, contact me for an assessment and my free 15 minute consultation. We’ll create the right program for you.

Men’s Health
I have often found men tend to avoid taking care of their health other than exercising and sports.  It’s amazing what happens when they go on a great health starter program!   They are amazed at how much better they feel.

My recommendations:
• Start with The Great Health Basics

Saw Palmetto

Healthy Weight Loss
Being overweight to obese is a major problem in the US.  Finding a weight loss and maintenance program that actually is a long term health program is not easy, but, thankfully it’s possible.

My recommendation:

  • Begin with a cleansing program
  • Get a physical and have your thyroid checked
  • Shaklee180 Turnaround Program
  • Lean & Healthy Maintenance – The Shaklee Life Plan

These programs keep your muscle while burning the fat.  This ensures inch loss, as well as, weight loss

I offer a free nutritional assessment to also determine if there is any other block to weight loss, plus a 15 minutes free consultation.

Immune Building

My recommendations:

  • Great Health Basics
  • Get enough rest and sleep
  • Take care of stress (see below)
  • Create a “Medicine Cabinet” of nutritional support, including
    • Vita C – sustained release vitamin C – 5 hour release
    • Chewable Vitamin C – for children
    • Defend & Resist – Echinacea, Larch tree, Zinc & Elderberry
    • Immune Formula I – combination of quick acting nutrients to boost the immune system
    • Nutriferon – *patented formula – powerful immune builder, helping the body’s immune system to stay strong
    • Vitalized Immunity – a powerful start to stopping colds and flu quickly in a fizzy tablet – Vitamin C and other immune nutrients

Be sure, if you do go on an antibiotic or steroid, you repopulate your gut with good bacteria.

My recommendation:

  • Optiflora pre and probiotics plus following a yeast reduction program.

Be sure to take advantage of my free nutrition assessment, in just 15 minutes together we determine what is best for you right now.

Environmental Health – Toxic chemicals in our home affect our health by causing breathing problems and even cancers.

My recommendations:

  • Get Clean line from Shaklee – economical, safe for everyone, work exceptionally well.
  • Personal Care and Enfuselle Nutritional Skin Care – products that have no ingredients that are toxic to either you or the environment

Be sure to take advantage of my free nutrition assessment, in just 15 minutes together we determine what is best for you right now.

Sports Performance – Why not use products that Olympians successfully use?

My recommendations:

  • Before workout – Energy Chews – quick energy
  • During workout – Performance – rehydrate and get more stamina
  • After workout – Physique – repair and rebuild
  • Joint Muscle and Pain Cream
  • Joint Health Complex
  • Pain Relief Complex

Be sure to take advantage of my free nutrition assessment, in just 15 minutes together we determine what is best for you right now.

Vibrant Aging – Health begins at the cellular level – let’s build healthy, youthful cells, repair DNA and get rid of cellular debris.

My recommendations:

  • Start with The Great Health Basics including Cleansing
  • Vivix – An amazingly powerful combination of anti-oxidants that help repair DNA, get rid of cellular debris, minimize inflammation and keep cellular energy and youthfulness as we age.
  • MindWorks – great assistance for memory, mental focus, and cognition

Be sure to take advantage of my free nutrition assessment, in just 15 minutes together we determine what is best for you right now.

Most important – just get started at whatever level you can.