3 Must Do's for Healthy Living Start Your Journey Now!

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“There is only one cause of Disease…Malfunctioning Cells
There are only two causes of Malfunctioning Cells…
Exposure to Toxins & Lack of Nutrients”
                                                 ~Raymond Francis “Never Be Sick Again”~

We are all concerned about Covid-19 and now, with this new different effect on children, we have added another stress to our concerns.

One topic rarely heard on all of the news programs and from our government is what we can do to create a preventive strategy by strengthening our immune systems?

What does this look like?  First, let me stress that this blog is meant to give insight into rebuilding and strengthening our immune systems, not cure or prescribe.  Imagine, however, if you knew what nutrients and other purchase choices could help build a healthy body vs. what choices could damage your body, would that make a difference for you?

Let’s take a look at our current situations:
Are your kids getting too much sugar in their diet?
1. Causes glucose levels to spike and plummet, causing mood swings, fatigue, headaches and increased cravings.
2.  Increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.  Possible connections with cancer.
3.  Can interfere with how your body fights disease because bacteria and yeast feed on sugar anda result, their colonies grow.
4.  Can lead to chromium deficiency which helps regulate blood sugar.  90% of Americans are deficient.
5.  Increases stress by effecting hormonal responses.
6.  Causes tooth decay by fueling plaque and bacteria.
7.  Can cause gum disease which can lead to heart disease and other inflammatory concerns.
8.   Affects cognition in children (shown in tests in NYC school lunches)
from Atkins.com
B.  How much processed foods is your family eating?  The nutrient value is low and it fills up children so they don’t want other, healthier choices.

C.  How many fruits and vegetables do your kids eat a day?  What do you buy – organic vs. commercial?   Learn new healthy recipes and give fresh fruits and veggies for snacks.   Connect with me for my “Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 ” to know what to buy organic. [Or go to EWG.org]

D.  Do your children take a multi-vitamin/mineral daily?  How much sugar is in them and are they synthetic?   Make sure what you are buying is low in sugar, well researched and has purity testing.

E.  Have your children been on antibiotics or steroids?  This, as well as, stress can kill the good bacteria in your gut and create yeast overgrowth which effects children’s health and immunity.  Daily probiotics help this.

F.  How much exercise do your children get daily?

G.  How much screen time do your children use daily?  Do you have protective glasses for them (and you) from the radiation that comes off of the screens?  Do you put electronics in another room at bedtime?

H.  What does your children’s general health look like?

I.  What cleaning, laundry and dish detergents are you using?  Toxic chemicals in the home effect breathing, are absorbed by the skin and about 60% end up in the blood stream.  Choose natural non-toxic cleaners and personal care products.

With that in mind, what does it take to build a child’s immune system?
The only things that build cells are nutrients – vitamins, minerals, proteins, water, oxygen, essential fats.  The higher quality choices, the higher quality cells.  The body always chooses what is best when given the chance.  For example, if you give a dog a choice between pure water and tap water, it will instinctively go to the pure water.  Our instinctive choices (vs. our conscious choices) are the same.

Over 40% (some say much higher) of our immune system is in our gut.   Our microbiome, the trillions of microorganisms in our body, especially the intestinal tract, is made up of good and bad bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses.  When in balance, the body operates well.  When out of balance with more pathogens than helpful bacteria, our system will malfunction.

What kills those helpful bacteria?  Antibiotics, steroids and stress are the biggest culprits.  These probiotics or good bacteria need replacing daily.

Look at your child’s digestive health
Building a healthy immune system for both adults and kids means keeping the gut healthy.  I always consider, as a result, the daily addition of probiotics (the good bacteria) and using natural remedies, if possible, before considering antibiotics or steroids.  Our bodies have great natural healing abilities.  For example, when a child has a fever, it is the body using its defenses to fight off whatever the problem is.  Does that mean you don’t call a doctor when it spikes to 104 or 105 degrees?  Absolutely not!  But allowing the body to do its own work, with the help of some extra herbs or nutrients at lower levels allows the body the time to do its work.

1. Do they defecate daily?  How many times?  The purpose of this is to eliminate toxins and substances the body no longer needs.  This is critical in overall health.  If a child is not going 1-2 times daily, increase their fiber and water and make sure they are on a probiotic to help crowd out unwanted or excess yeast and bacteria.  A mild herbal laxative may also be necessary if that doesn’t work.  Talk with your doctor and ask for natural means before drugs.

2. Does your child react to certain foods that create gas and belching?  Make sure they are chewing thoroughly so food will be properly digested.  Also be sure they are drinking enough water.  Often fresh lemon squeezed into the water is helpful. See what foods they respond to poorly so you can target any sensitivities or allergies.  Sometimes digestive enzymes may be necessary as you work with changes in diet in your search for what are the best food choices.  Your pediatrician can help with this, as well.

Medicine Cabinet Nutrients
All medicines have some negative effects so striving for a natural way to build your child’s immunity is always the best first step.  Here are what I have chosen for myself and my children over the years.

1.  Vitamin C – a homeopathic MD told me years ago to have my children on 500mg a day for prevention and 1000 mg for adults.  When my 1 year old son had tonsillitis and bronchitis with 103 temperature, she had me give him chewable C at a much higher rate.  With C and a homeopathic remedy, he was fine in 24 hours.

2. Herbs – Elderberry, larch tree, echinacea, oregano oil, garlic – all are amazing in stopping or minimizing colds and flu.  With Echinacea I have been told by naturopaths that it should be used no more than  5-7 (varying opinions) days and then take a 3-5 day break.  It is not meant to be used continuously.

3. Zinc – crucial for normal development and function of immune cells.  It also contributes to stopping inflammation, a major precursor to disease.

4. Probiotics – These good bacteria help crowd out pathogens and excess yeast which can lower the immune system.  Should be taken daily.

5. Foundational nutrients – High quality protein supplements and multi vitamin/mineral

Buyer beware:
Does the company do clinical testing on their products?  Do they have peer-review published articles on their research?  Are their raw materials tests for contaminants?  Are they food based?  These are criteria for all supplements.

Eliminating Toxic Chemicals in Home Care and Personal Care Products
Over 80,000 new chemicals have been introduced in the last 50 years.
Few have been tested for toxicity.

What are the effects of these toxins have on our children?  They are lowering the immune system, effecting their lungs and potentially causing cancer.  We are breathing these products and/or absorbing them through our skin.

Here are some of the concerns:
287 Industrial Chemicals
—Found in a test of the umbilical cord blood of 10 newborns: consumer-product ingredients, banned industrial chemicals, and pesticides
1,4-Dioxane and Formaldehyde—Found in 61% of  28 children’s bath soaps, shampoos, lotions, and  other personal care products tested; considered probable carcinogens by the EPA
Phthalates—Fragrance can contain phthalates—known endocrine disrupters—which are also known to   be skin irritants with potentially negative impacts on the respiratory system, liver, and kidneys
Bisphenol-A—Found in polycarbonate plastic containers, baby bottles, and toys—is an endocrine  disrupter; newborns and infants may have up to 11X more in their bodies than adults.

In closing, I know our children are the most vulnerable because of size and that they have not fully developed.  I ask that we all consider the best choices in what foods we give them and what products we choose for our homes and personal care in order to protect our precious children (and ourselves) and help them build strong bodies and minds.

For more information, please contact me at joan@thesassysage.com.